hullo every 1...
m back.. for how long no one knows.....
neways... news = me going to UCLA, for a PhD in Materials sci....
the last 3 months have been intense... and i wouldnt like to pen them down in detail.... They have been testing, emotionally, mentally, professionally n personally... They have made me strong and wise, and I hope that I can put to use whatever they have taught me......
The three months saw Day B[ref post dated April 4,06] (the day i decided to finally pursue Postgrad, thanx to my friends {Asmi n Mandy being the most significant} n family) and Day C ( a combo of the day [24th Jul] when my visa was put on probation and the day [29 Aug] it was released)
Am booked for a ticket on the morning of the 10th of Sept... by AI 137, o710... reaching LAX at 1635... Parag n Divyanshu have booked an apt.. and apparently have moved into it by now... hats off to them.....
feels diff to comprehend/believe that in less than a week I will be on the other side of the world.....
amti-damti left for Germany for 3months of exchange training at Univ of Koln from IIMA.. and that $^%^ is gonna be staring his apt with 4German girls... lucky dog ;)
Speaking of friends.. Shoan cracked a job at McKinsey.. the dude rocketh again.... as usual ;)
Suds cracked a seat at KEM for neuro @ MPth... rocking as usual.. tho she had to depart in a hurry to Bbay... :(
Rest all are busy with jobs/GRE :) so hhopefully everyone will be there soon....
Since am writing after aeons.. Pran got married in the meantime.. was one of the most rocking periods of my life.. the entire 5 day trip to Lknow was mindblowing...the fun level undescribbable.. the bonding infinite... :)
Also my dad shifted back to Pune, taking over as CEO of a company based in Pune.. ending as we joked.. "7 years of vanvaas n 1 year of adnyaatvaas" so atleast for a few days before i leave, we are enjoying together as the big happy family that we are... :D \:D/
I believe all major updaets done :).... will post later if any are left ;)
To sum up...
As i said to a friend today 'saagaratle don ondke.. pravahamule jitka sahvaas titkaach...'
(roughly translated to "we are but, two logs in a water current, together till the current takes us" taken from a 7th std marathi lesson on Anandi bai Joshi...)
-To everyone, and all new things to come, n to life for the rocking thing that it so is.....
Urs truly n forever,